Nurserywoman Vuyiseka Tekwane began working in the Mhani Gingi Nursery in 2015. She was doing domestic work through an agency and lived in informal housing in Cape Town at the time. She learned how to save through Mhani Gingi and was able to support three siblings in the Eastern Cape as well as provide for her children and their schooling, through her earnings. She was soon able to move into a two-roomed dwelling with water and electricity. “I ended up building a seven-room house for my family. That is how Mhani Gingi helped me,” she says. Tekwane acquired plant propagation and vegetable gardening skills at Mhani Gingi. She has seen the Nursery grow a lot over the years, from two growing tunnels initially to operations including four growing tunnels, a hot house, vertical gardens and extensive ground food beds at the present site. After knowing nothing of agriculture at first, she now sees herself as “being a farmer”.