The Mhani Gingi model promotes social entrepreneurship amongst women and youth, so that they can improve not only their livelihoods but also those of their families and communities. In this way they can move away from being providers of labour and consumers of goods and services to become creators of wealth – owning their own businesses, employing themselves and others, and getting to the point where they contribute fully into the greater economy.
Mhani Gingi supports women and youth as well as vulnerable groups to improve their sewing, beading, gardening, event management, catering, bed and breakfasts and other enterprises, through business and technical skills, as well as arranging open day markets or linking them to such markets so they can sell their beautiful and unique wares.
Through various workshops offered to the network members these women are gaining valuable knowledge in practical marketing techniques and becoming successful in their own businesses. Some have become members of the Cape Chamber of Commerce.
The Network Initiatives are broken down into a few different categories:
Beading and Sewing:
Many of our network members take part in these two disciplines. Mhani GIngi offers support for our women to market their unique products to wider audiences. Check out the following links to learn more about beading and sewing projects.
Pottery and Ceramics:
Some of our network members have been trained in ceramics and pottery making through ClayDezign. They have learnt about wedging the clay, pinching the pots, being creative and using coil techniques to make sellable products. We have joined forces with our nursery to create holders for plants and flowers. In our project with the Fettel Fox Pottery Studio, four women were trained in clay techniques. Read more about the project at the link below.
Community Gardens:
Mhani Gingi is also involved in the establishment of community gardens and the support of several soup kitchens. These gardens provide vegetables to generate income and to support the soup kitchens.
Hope Soap:
Our small soap making factory is slowly growing into a revenue generating enterprise. As a result our six network women are gaining a small income to support their families. Products are hand made with a secret recipe including beeswax, palm, coconut, sunflower seed and essential oils. The project empowers women in the local community to generate income. Our Dutch Soap Making Project in collaboration with the Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children has provided enterprise skills for five women. Their products are marketed under the name of The African Violets. Follow the link below to read more.
Craft Projects:
The craft groups exhibit a wide assortment of handcrafted goods. These highly talented groups of women find new and innovative ways to recycle second-hand materials to produce exceptional fashion items, accessories and decorative pieces.
Other Network Initiatives: