The Women’s Innovation Trade Fair 2014 which took place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre in Cape Town from March 6 to March 8 2014 brought together women from all spheres locally and internationally under the banner and main theme of Igniting Economic Possibilities For Women.

The WITF aimed to provide a platform enabling women to have greater economic impact in society and was hosted by  Mhani Gingi Social Entrepreneurial Network in association with Sprangbradan, Networking, Gender and Leadership, Sweden.   This pioneering event in South Africa was based on a model successfully launched in Sweden in the eighties and taken into several countries around the world, according to the Facebook page.

Under the overarching theme of The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in Women’s Economic Empowerment, the talks and activities in Cape Town over the three days explored sub-themes of Education, Health/Nutrition, Food Security/Environmental Sustainability, and Social Justice.