Members of the Goodwood CHC Fitness & Health Club visited the Mhani Gingi Centre of Social Entrepreneurial Excellence in Athlone in October 2021 to view new developments at the site, including the state-of-the-art Mhani Gingi Agri-Processing Hub. A surprise visit from Western Cape Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, added to the occasion.
The visitors from the Fitness & Health Club were able to purchase organically-grown vegetables harvested from the ground gardens at the Mhani Gingi Organic Herb and Vegetable Seedling Nursery, also situated at the Centre of Excellence site in Athlone.
Lillian Masebenza, Founding Director of Mhani Gingi Social Entrepreneurial Excellence, addressed the group and explained how the activities in the state-of-the-art Agri-Processing Hub will enable Mhani Gingi to add value to herbs and vegetable produce grown at the Mhani Gingi Nursery and in the 10 community food gardens managed by Mhani Gingi in the Cape Town area.
Masebenza emphasised how the Agri-Processing Hub will also allow Mhani Gingi to provide training to its beneficiaries in the processing and packaging of food, thereby providing further income-earning opportunities for them. The Agri-processing Hub was funded through the Extended Public Works Programme, which was facilitated by both the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning and the Western Cape Department of Agriculture.
The visitors to Mhani Gingi also toured the Restoring Dignity Liquid Soap Producing Enterprise, which makes and sells organic hand soap as well as detergent.